Friday, October 28, 2011

Class update #6, October 28

I've been so busy earning extra credit that I really haven't completed much in the past week, what with the blog, the Pottery sale, and other time consuming activities such as eating, taking a shower, and sleeping.  I did finish with the Kleiber porcelain I was working with and the second group of cups/etc should come out of the bisque kiln early next week.  The first set went in the glaze kiln and I'm also expecting to see them by early in the week. 

This week I started working with "JG" white earthenware clay.  To do that I completed (and put away) all traces of Kleiber porcelain so the two won't get mixed up.  I've made several bowls and have started some cups and a t-pot.  I've also completed a bisque temperature glaze test with low fire glazes I bought at Clay Art last summer.  I see that it will be extremely challenging to match low fire glazes to my strange pottery, where as, the stoneware, highfire glazes seemed to fit my clay crteatins pretty well.   For example: 

Did I mention that all of the pots in this post will (hopefully) be in the spring Larson show titled "From the Ground Up".   Watch for it about March, or visit the Larson Gallery website, or just call Denise or Debbie at Larson and chat with them, or stop Jean Crawford on the street and ask her what's going on.   I say "hopefully", that is if I don't break them on the way to the show or if Cheryl accidentally discovers that I really don't make these pots but instead find them under stumps (and in hollow logs) and such after they were made and hidden by gnomes (and such) and hidden there, easter egg style.  Opps, the cat is out of the bag!!

Well, one more pot and I'm off for a hike up the Rim Trail over the south end of Umptanum Ridge.  Hope I don't get lost. 

Stay tuned for other blog updates including "Oddsey of a big tree", "Walking sticks for friend and foe", and "building a insulating stool for a fire lookout", and "new pots".  Sure hope the FBI isn't running computer searches for references to "pot"..... 

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